Another school year is in the books.  Thus completes my 15th year of teaching.  I’m sure I’ve learned some stuff along the way.  I’m sure it’s been very – how do I say – educational. But I have no energy to reflect.  I have no energy to think.  I’m just going to sit here and not reflect and not think. And maybe cry a little bit, and I don’t even know why.

Like this.

And after that, I’m going to make some plans.  And those plans are going to include the following, in no particular order, because order is for people with working brains.

  1. Sleep
  2. Baseball
  3. Time with 3 adored but neglected children
  4. Martinis
  5. Preparing my FINAL grad residency lesson and 20-minute reading.
  6. Tennis
  7. Training for a half marathon
  8. Sleep
  9. Father’s Day and time with a husband I high five once in awhile, when crossing paths in the kitchen
  10. Preparing for fall, a new schedule and 84 new students
  11. Sleep
  12. Beer
  13. Time at the lake
  14. Celebrating my niece’s graduation
  15. Gardening
  16. Taking our dog back to training so he will bring the tennis ball back to me when I throw it instead of attacking it like a hornet and peeing all over it

May the summer bring restorative rest.  Laughter. Friends. Warm weather.  Fresh vegetables.  And a ridiculous lack of obligation.